Hardcore Challenge
In every starting zone you will now find a NPC ( M. Nobody ) that will prompt you to achieve a challenge in several category
The player must level up to the last level without dying. He is in PvE mode. Reward : 200Po
The player must level up to the last level without dying. If he dies the character can't resurrect. He is in PvE mode. Reward : 800Po
The player must level up to the last level without dying and il we not be able to use any piece of equipement beside his weapons. If he dies the character can't resurrect. He is in PvE mode. Reward : 1600Po
The player must level up to the last level without dying and il we not be able to use any piece of equipement beside his weapons. If he dies the character can't resurrect. He is in PvP mode even against his own faction. Reward : 6400Po
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